Internet P.O.D. Access
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State-of-the art internet customer service is now a reality!
Completely automated data upload • Easy to use navigation, detailed data availability Secure, passworded customer access
Automated Data Upload
The October Hill Software internet P.O.D. systems require virtually no extra effort from your data entry staff. The Athena systems will automatically determine which records need to go to the internet and transmit them for access at your web site instantly. Any changes to records, such as corrected rates or charges, updated delivery dates or times, any record change at all, will be instantly detected by the Athena systems and re-transmitted to the web automatically. Absolutely current and accurate information is guaranteed for your customers review at all times.
Easy Data Retrieval, Detailed Information
Customers will be delighted at the ease and detail of data retrieval. A variety of data retrieval methods is offered to your customers, such as , a specific bill number search, a customer reference number search, all deliveries on a specified date search, or, all deliveries within a specified date range search. Or, a customer may select a 'Today' button or 'Yesterday' button to review all of the shipments handled for his account. It just doesn't get any easier! Instant information 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Secure & Password Protected
The O.H.S. Athena systems provide maximum protection for your customer data by providing password codes for each customer. Passwords are created automatically when you identify a customer as authorized for internet P.O.D.'s. You may also request the system to create a new password for an account anytime you wish.
Maximum convenience for your customers and a tremendous time saver for your staff combine to make the October Hill Software Internet P.O.D. systems one of the most sought after and valuable customer support tools in the industry.
Take a test drive of the O.H.S. P.O.D. Systems right now! Just click on the P.O.D. button below to get to the P.O.D. sign on screen. At the login screen use your initials as your 'I.D.', and your birth year as your password. Then, at the search screen, we suggest trying the 'Date Range' search option to be certain you get to the data available in this demo system. Use a broad date search, such as 01/01/2000 to 12/01/2001. After the P.O.D. data is displayed try clicking on the 'Detail' button at the end of a P.O.D. line.
POD DEMO Click Here
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at all at
319-859-5555, or, send us a request for information with by clicking here. |