Virtual Dispatch Board
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The October Hill Software Virtual Dispatch Board gives dispatchers, customer service staff, and management a graphical representation of any or all orders in easy to read, color coded, individual user-defined format.
Convenient • Easy To Use • Time Saver
Each staff member may define the look and feel of his/her own Virtual Dispatch Board.
The "Date To Show" drop-down box enables each user to determine which order dates are to
appear on the board, i.e., "Today", "Tomorrow", "Yesterday", "Date", or "Date Range".
Orders may be narrowed down to a specific customer or a group of customers,
and may be further narrowed down to orders with a specified reference or
other ID. Dispatchers may wish to view only those orders assigned
to a specific driver or group of drivers.
The "Tags (orders) To Show"
drop-down box offers even more options, such as, All Tags, only Pending Tags,
only Open Tags, only Special Pending Tags, only Special Tags In Progress,
or only Tags Near To Close times. Finally, specific data to appear on the
Virtual Dispatch Board may be checked in the "Data To Display" section of
the setup screen. Whether being used for Dispatch, Customer Service, or
Management review the virtual Dispatch Board may be defined specifically
for each users needs.
With a simple point and click the O.H.S. Virtual Dispatch Board will display the details of any order. The left hand side of the detail screen will display the basic order information, such as, shipper, consignee, third party data, if any, ready date and time, close time, all reference numbers and weight. If the shipment is delivered, this information will display as well.
The right half of the detail screen displays all physical tracking data for the shipment. This information may be brief or exceptionally detailed. The tracking information is also representative of the information flowing to the internet for review by customers.
SEE A DEMO Click Here
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at all at
319-859-5555, or, send us a request for information with by clicking here. |